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每一次尝试,都是对未知世界的探索。Every attempt is an exploration into the unknown.

无论何时开始,重要的是开始之后就不要停止。Whenever you start, what matters is not to stop after starting.

信念坚定的人,能将不可能变为可能。Those with steadfast faith turn the impossible into the possible.

生活因梦想而精彩,因追求而充实。Life is made wonderful by dreams and fulfilled through pursuit.

成功在于日复一日的坚持,而非一时的努力。Success lies in persistent daily efforts, not momentary endeavors.

每一个伟大的梦想,最初都起源于一个勇敢的想法。Every great dream begins with a courageous thought.

挫折是强者的垫脚石,弱者的绊脚石。Adversity is a stepping stone for the strong and a stumbling block for the weak.

勇于冒险者才能发现新世界。Only those who dare to adventure can discover new worlds.

时间是最公平的资源,珍惜它,就是把握未来。Time is the fairest resource; cherishing it means grasping the future.

Actions speak louder than words.

Growth amidst adversity is as precious as diamonds.